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History of the Book of Nehemiah

The third return from Babylon to Jerusalem is found here in Nehemiah. He motivated the Israelites to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem from chapters one through six and then returned a second time to exhort the people to follow after God's law in chapter 13. God was and is into restoring His people as one can see by reading this Old Testament Book of Nehemiah in approximately 444-425 B.C. Nehemiah was the author of this Bible Book and was a cupbearer of Artaxerxes I, a governor of Jerusalem, and a contemporary of Ezra. In fact in the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, the book of Nehemiah was considered to be Second Ezra.
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Father God,
We pray in intercession that You send Your Spirit to the one that wishes to read Your Holy Word in this Book of Nehemiah. We pray that You fill them with understanding, so that they may discern and have placed on their heart the things which they need to know as they read this Old Testament Book of Your Holy Word. Thank You for hearing our prayer Holy Lord.
In Your great and Mighty Name we pray,

Other Bible books -  Ezra, Job, Esther